Catalogued OCs in the literature

The UCC currently contains 16179 objects compiled from 40 databases and is regularly updated. The latest version of the UCC catalogue can be found in its Zenodo repository.

Below, we group the OCs in the UCC according to various criteria to facilitate easy exploration.



Catalogues in the UCC

This table contains all the catalogues used to generate the UCC. The modifications and corrections made to each database before including it in the UCC can be seen here.

Name N Name N
Dambis (1999) 201 Koposov et al. (2008) 11
Kharchenko et al. (2012) 2852 Loktin & Popova (2017) 1048
Castro-Ginard et al. (2018) 23 Bica et al. (2019) 3555
Bossini et al. (2019) 265 Castro-Ginard et al. (2019) 53
Sim et al. (2019) 207 Liu & Pang (2019) 76
Ferreira et al. (2019) 4 Cantat-Gaudin et al. (2020) 2017
Castro-Ginard et al. (2020) 570 Ferreira et al. (2020) 25
Hao et al. (2020) 16 Donor et al. (2020) 128
Dias et al. (2021) 1741 Casado (2021) 20
Ferreira et al. (2021) 34 Hunt & Reffert (2021) 41
Jaehnig et al. (2021) 430 Santos-Silva et al. (2021) 15
He et al. (2021) 74 Castro-Ginard et al. (2022) 628
Tarricq et al. (2022) 467 Li et al. (2022) 61
He et al. (2022) 541 He et al. (2022) 836
Hao et al. (2022) 703 Perren et al. (2022) 24
Casado & Hendy (2023) 2 He et al. (2023) 1656
Hunt & Reffert (2023) 6806 Qin et al. (2023) 101
Li & Mao (2023) 35 Chi et al. (2023) 46
Chi et al. (2023) 82 Chi et al. (2023) 1179
He et al. (2023) 2056 Cavallo et al. (2024) 6140

Number of members

This table groups the OCs in the UCC in ranges of their estimated number of members parameter N_50. This number is obtained identifying as members those stars with P>50%, where P is the membership probability assigned by the fastMP method.

N_50 N N_50 N
== 0 3531 (0, 25] 1674
(25, 50] 4958 (50, 75] 1979
(75, 100] 1147 (100, 250] 1979
(250, 500] 595 (500, 1000] 225
(1000, 2000] 76 > 2000 15

C3 classification

This table shows the OCs in the UCC grouped by their C3 class.

C3 N C3 N C3 N C3 N
AA 2316 AB 3262 BA 443 AC 1244
CA 245 BB 1324 AD 24 DA 105
BC 1475 CB 1001 BD 85 DB 670
CC 1868 CD 184 DC 1717 DD 216

C3 classification

Duplicated OCs

This table groups the OCs in the UCC by the number of probable duplicates assigned, as explained here.

Probable duplicates N
N_dup = 1 3234
N_dup = 2 778
N_dup = 3 186
N_dup = 4 25
N_dup >= 5 6

OCs per quadrants

This table groups the OCs in the UCC by their position in the Galactic quadrants, given by their (lon, lat) coordinates.

Region lon range lat range N
Q1P: 1st quadrant, positive latitude [0, 90) [0, 90] 1887
Q1N: 1st quadrant, negative latitude [0, 90) (0, -90] 1874
Q2P: 2nd quadrant, positive latitude [90, 180) [0, 90] 1900
Q2N: 2nd quadrant, negative latitude [90, 180) (0, -90] 1793
Q3P: 3rd quadrant, positive latitude [180, 270) [0, 90] 1830
Q3N: 3rd quadrant, negative latitude [180, 270) (0, -90] 2539
Q4P: 4th quadrant, positive latitude [270, 360) [0, 90] 1815
Q4N: 4th quadrant, negative latitude [270, 360) (0, -90] 2541